What's On?

Drumming Workshops


Join in! Make music with DrumLove at our MNC Drumming Workshops.

If you would like to join in Contact Us. £1 per session.
Booking essential, numbers are limited and Covid-safety measures will be in place.

Latest news! Our Captain Tom 100 Challenge
On Monday 3rd May at 5pm we will be attempting to drum continuously for 100 minutes with Drumlove. So there will be no MNC walk that day.

Help us reach our target. Donate NOW!


DrumLove, brothers Steve and Pat McArdle, teach and perform world drumming with their collection of drums and drumming styles and rhythms from the Caribbean, Africa, South America, England, India and many other parts of the world.

Join us in a drumming group and enjoy making a lot of noise!

Until we move to the Royal Porcelain Works in May, we are meeting on Monday evenings in a large room above the Hangar Café in Reindeer Court Worcester.

Dates for 2021

Hanger Café

Monday 12th April, 6pm – 8pm
Monday 26th April, 6pm – 8pm

The Royal Porcelain Works

Monday 17th May, 7pm – 9pm
Monday 7th June, 7pm – 9pm

The Monday Night Club is a community support group and has an exemption to meet in groups of up to 30 people, not including staff. We are also aware that some of our members might be clinically extremely vulnerable.

We keep you safe by having a limited number of people, sanitising hands, not sharing drums and wearing masks. We sit 2 metres apart from each other (unless we are from the same household) in a large, high-ceilinged, airy room.

We hope that all our members will soon be vaccinated against Covid-19