We’ve been ever so busy!
This has possibly been the busiest time ever for our volunteers. We know it was easy to feel isolated and lonely during lockdown and not have very much to do. We have been keeping in touch with our members regularly. These are some of the things we have been doing to keep everyone connected…

Going Live every evening on Facebook and Instagram with news and information, art and craft projects, cooking demonstrations by Laura, well-being and fitness advice, competitions and challenges and friendly chat. Over 100 hours!
Shopping and donating food when needed. Some members were struggling without their usual support from friends and family.
Connecting – we connected one MNC member to the internet so that he could keep in touch with family and friends. We lent a mobile WiFi device, an iPad and gave telephone tutorials. He loves it!
The MNC Art Club shared online video art and craft projects to try at home (thanks to Kay and WAW)
Posting prizes, activity ideas and useful gifts to vulnerable members living alone.Adult colouring books, colouring pencils and craft projects were sent in the post.
Leo’s Lockdown Art Auction One of our members, Leo, created watercolour paintings of animals and auctioned them on Facebook to raise funds for the MNC.
He talked about it on BBC H&W and there was a story about Leo, The Monday Night Club and his art auction in the Worcester News.
He raised over £550! Thank you Leo.
Time to get together again with MNC EXTRAS

Join us on Mondays at 6pm for a walk.
Get creative online with the MNC Art Club.
Come to football training – beginners welcome!
Take part in a socially-distanced DrumLove session.
Call Helen on 07973 788029 if you would like to join us.

The 2020 MNC Talent Show is ON!
Call-out to all performers! It’s time to enter. On Monday 12th October our annual talent show and anniversary celebration will take place at the Swan Theatre, with a socially-distanced audience and all the precautions in place to keep everyone safe. There will be two rehearsals in the Swan Theatre beforehand this year, so you’ll have plenty of time to practice your act.
Monday 28th September, 6.30pm
Thursday 1st October, 6.30pm
Football is Back #YouCantStopUS
Our footballers have been training since June. We train in small groups, keeping 2m apart and following all the FA guidelines to keep everyone safe. During the summer months we train on grass at Pitmaston Park.
We are returning to St Johns Sports Centre all-weather pitches from 3rd September – every Thursday, 5pm – 6pm.
If you would like to come along, call Helen on 07973 788029.
Beginners are welcome!